Cabbage Recipes Sent in by readers | Kids Out and About Memphis

Cabbage Recipes Sent in by readers


by Debra Ross

Ask and ye shall receive! That is, I asked, and I received. My CSAs flooded me with cabbage this year, and despite the fact that I am of Polish descent, I had no idea how to cook them. But yay for KOAA readers, the smartest people on the planet. They sent in great recipes, and to my kids' utter joy, we are in the process of making our way through them! Here they are!

From Alexa: Cabbage Roll Recipes including Cabbage Roll Casserole, Creole Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage and Hazelnut Rolls, Bulgur Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Walnut Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Bacon Stuffed Cabbage, German Cabbage Rolls, Potato Stuffed Cabbage, Mom's Gwumkies (Stuffed Cabbage).

From Mary: Sweet and Sour Cabbage

    2T brown sugar 2T vinegar 2T water 1T cooking oil 3/4 c. chopped apple 1/4t salt dash of pepper 2 c. red or green cabbage (I use up to 2 1/2c)

In a large skillet combine brown sugar, vinegar, water, oil, salt and pepper. Cook 2 to 3 minutes or until hot stirring occasionally. Stir in cabbage and apple. Cook covered over medium heat about 10-15 min until cabbage is crisp tender. Stir occasionally. (I like it cooked even longer to make it soft- another 5-10 min.)


From Cheri: Fried Cabbage

    Add oil to frying pan. Chopped onions- optional. Add garlic, saute briefly. Add chopped cabbage (fill your pan, it will cook way down). When cabbage is cooked down, add hot pepper flakes (sparingly). Add Tabasco sauce (to taste).

From Kristi: Meat Cabbage Casserole

    1 pound lean ground meat 1 medium onion, chopped 2 tablespoon butter 1 cup finely shredded carrots 3 cups finely shredded cabbage 1 teaspoon salt Dash black pepper 1 jar (16 oz.) herb-style spaghetti sauce 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon chopped chives 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese

In medium skillet, sauté onion in butter until soft, but not brown. Add ground meat. Cook, breaking up the meat until meat loses its pink color. In a 2-quart buttered casserole or baking dish, layer the carrots and half the cabbage. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add meat mixture, press down slightly. Add remaining cabbage. To spaghetti sauce, add Worcestershire sauce and chives. Pour sauce over top of casserole. Cover. Bake at 350 degrees about 1 hour or until cabbage is soft and meat is cooked through.

Add cheese on top Bake, uncovered, for another 5 to 8 minutes until cheese is melted. Serve immediately. Serves 4.

From Julie: Unstuffed Cabbage Casserole

    cabbage – 4 cups coarsely chopped 1 – 1¼ lb. lean ground beef (80-85% not 90%) 1 medium chopped onion 1 red, yellow or orange pepper (seeded & finely chopped) 1/3 cup long grain rice (white) 1 can (14 ½ ounce) stewed tomatoes w/ liquid 1/3 cup ketchup 1/3 cup water ½ tsp. salt Pepper to taste

Heat oven to 350º. Lightly grease 9x13 pan and add cabbage. In a large skillet cook beef and onion, stirring constantly, just until the red is gone. Don’t drain. Add the chopped pepper, rice, stewed tomatoes, catsup, 1/3 cup water, salt & pepper. Bring to a boil. Spoon the mixture onto the cabbage. Cover tightly and bake 35 minutes.

From Sue: My two favorite cabbage recipes are both from Waldorf Coleslaw and Super Slaw. The former has Granny Smith apples and walnuts in it, the latter has an Asian twist with peanuts and cilantro. A friend of mine who asked for the Waldorf recipe told me that it was the only vegetable matter she could stand when she was pregnant!

From a KOAA reader: I think the best way to deal with cabbage is to disguise it in a vegetable soup. Weight Watchers has a good one, but I'll bet any tomato-based soup with a long simmer time will handle cabbage. And it's really good.

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